Saturday, December 29, 2012

Drunk Story Saturday's: The First Time I Met Her Family

Drunk Story from Tim (NYC):
"It was the first time I was meeting my girlfriend's family and her family lived right across the street from a golf course. It was her uncles house and I was drinking with her uncle and her cousins all day. We were pounding beers and drinking out of a peach tree, which in laymen's terms is just a huge bucket of beach schnapps. So add beers to cupfuls of peach schnapps and it's a bad mix. None of us felt drunk and we started walking down the hill to the golf carts. The problem with that is that we very quickly realized how fucked up we were and realized that we couldn't walk. What do you do when you can't walk? You start running. What happens when you start running? The blood starts flowing and you have to take a piss. I went back across the street to her uncles house to piss and then I woke up next to the toilet bowl. Her cousin and her aunt were checking my pulse, they had to take the door off the hinges to get into the bathroom, and then they blamed her cousin for the whole thing. What a way to meet the family."

I don't have anything to say other than that's fucking awesome. Good day to you good sir.

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