Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Does She Think We Actually Believe Her?

Women are hilarious. Especially the women who everyone knows are pretty much the trolls that live under the bridge. They have nothing going for them in life at all and they're just like modern day lepers pretty much. And then you look and see that it's their birthday on facebook and you wonder how many people outside of her realm actually care. Then you see her facebook status.

She puts up a status that says something like that she really appreciates the all birthday wishes and she's had a great day. But my main question would be does she think we actually believe her? I had to go investigate this facebook page and see if people were actually wishing her a happy birthday. It turns out I was right.

Other than her realm of other trolls who have nothing really going for them in life, there were no other birthday wishes. I was totally correct on this one. I mean I don't know if it's sadder that I actually did research on this or if it's sadder that I was right in the fact that I knew nobody actually cared about this girls life outside of other lepers.

But did she think we believed her? Is she living in a delusional world out there that has her believing she has all these friends? Am I the meanest mother fucker on the planet? Maybe, but I'm just telling you how it is. Outside of your realm of other trolls, we know you have no friends. Is it their fault? Possibly, but if you don't make the effort to better yourself, I can't help you. We will never believe you.

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