Friday, September 7, 2012

Reader Tweet:If A Girl Asks To Go To A Bar With You Is That A One Way Ticket To The Friend Zone #AskTheHammer

Tweet from my man, we'll just call him Ebs for right now since I don't want this chick reading this and killing his chance at getting laid tonight

My man Ebs wants to know if a chick asks to come to a bar with you if that's a on way ticket to the friend zone. Well it depends on the situation. You have to feel it out. You used to work with her last year on the newspaper and now you caught up with her passing by. Here's the deal. Ample time has passed since last year. There is a good chance you might have been in the friend zone a bit while you two were working on the paper. However, not having spoken to each other you've lost that touch. You're not in the friend zone as of right now.

What you need to do is feel out the situation when you go to the bar. See how she's acting throughout the night. If it seems like she's mainly speaking to you, you have a small window of opportunity to make a move that states you don't wanna be just friends. Quite honestly, your only window is going to be tonight. If you don't make a move tonight, you're right back in the friend zone as a piece of bubble wrap and a non sexual entity.

She asked to come to the bar with you, that means the thought of getting piped by you has crossed her mind at least once. The key here is that you can't change who you are. You gotta be you, you gotta be the guy she worked with at the newspaper because that's the guy she likes. If she gives you any sign of interest while you're out, you gotta pounce on that tonight. Like I said earlier tonight is your only chance. You'll know when the opportunity presents itself. It will literally spit on your shoes. If the window doesn't open, she's not interested. If it does open, make sure you make it count. You're walking a fine line at the moment. Just make sure you end up on the side that has your penis inside her. I hope that helps. Let me know how it goes.

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