Friday, September 21, 2012

Asshole of the Day Award

Kindergarten teacher and soccer coach by day, banging 16 year olds by night. Just add another person to the extremely long list of teachers who bang students and get caught. This time coming out of Utah. He played it smooth, he got their numbers and then told them he wanted to meet with them late and night. And then they had sex. Look, the girls are 16 years old they're not little 10 year old girls. They have to be smarter than that. At 16 years old you know when someone wants to have sex with you. But I'm still blaming this guy for spitting game to these chicks like he was talking to someone his age. Here's your t-shirt bro. I award you no points and you better hope god has mercy on your asshole. Because what's about to happen to it when you go to prison is going to be unlike anything you ever thought was imaginable.

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