Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Who Should Be Fired From The Talk Of The Town "Staff"?

I use the term "staff" very loosely here because clearly there is no real staff. We have myself (you can call me Steve, Hammer, or Daddy) and then we have Johnny Baseball. After that we have a bunch of guys who want to be involved, but they don't really want to be involved. When I text people asking them for a favor because I might have something to do during the day, I at least expect an answer. If I can't even get that, why are you considered a staff member? Defriendment Friday's? I haven't gotten a defriend from anyone since 'Nam. Let's break down our candidates, and you can select who gets the pink slip. Candidates are in order of who sucks the most.

Tommy the Mic: Has written all of one post since the site officially opened. Yes, he was a key component in the Hot Girl Bracket last year, but you can't expect one thing that happened before the actual website even started to hold you up forever. That and one post about the Jets is all he has on his resume. But he's cool so I guess I can't be too hard on him. 

Vince of Reason: Started off on a hot streak with some good posts and he even had what we called the Early Bird Special. Too bad I haven't seen a post in months and the Early Bird Special lasted all of eight days. 

Jimbo Slice: It feels like he does a Tweet of the Day consistently for about three weeks and then he decides to take three weeks off. However, it's more like a Tweet of the Day consistently for all of four days and then he takes a month off. Interesting when someone has one post to write and has Daddy's username and password to do it himself. 

Slothy: The guy used to write all the time, he even came on a Throwdown Thursday's podcast. Now he hasn't written anything in about two months and he won't even respond to a measly text message. I don't know what the fuck he's doing up there in Beantown but I'm not too thrilled. 

Quite Frank-ly: Has not been all that bad but he likes to write a few posts and then take the next five weeks off. We can't be living life like this, if you're in, you're in. If not, then you're no better than a guy who sends me an email every few weeks. 

Or should I just clean house, fire everyone, and get a new staff? You decide. 


  1. Quite Frank-ly hands down!

  2. You should slowly clear house. Start with Tommy the Mic and Slothy. Unless you have people waiting in the wings to take a spot on the roster, start with the two and make your way down the list

  3. I think you should give them all a chance to prove their worth over the rest of the week and possibly next week and then see who deserves to remain a member
