Monday, February 13, 2012

Jeremy Lin, The Next Tim Tebow...

I liked Jeremy Lin for all of ten minutes and then I saw his post game interviews and thought I was gonna gouge my eyes out with a fork. I liked his play, I liked the life he was bringing to the Knicks (even though I'm an OKC fan) and I liked that he was actually a point guard. And then the post game interview came. It pains me to say this, but Jeremy Lin is the NBA's Tim Tebow. He is a Jesus freak always thanking god in his interviews and just straight up quoting scripture whenever he gets a chance. I mean what the fuck? We didn't get enough during football season with Tebow? Now we have to deal with Jeremy Lin being that religious asshole making people think that he's the second coming and that's the reason he's winning games. God works in mysterious ways? What happens when you have a couple of bad games in a row asshole? New York can be a very unforgiving place and they will have no qualms about ripping you to shreds. Are you still gonna be thanking god when that happens? No, I doubt it. Cut the shit, enough is enough. Thank your preparation, thank your coaches, thank your willingness to play hard. But stop thanking god, it's not part of the reason you're actually having success. 

Sidenote: Ninety percent of the people who read this have no affiliation with a god of any form, therefore don't comment telling me to mind my business about the Jesus freaks when I know for a fact that you haven't seen the inside of a religious facility in years. 

1 comment:

  1. he is good though, big difference between him and tebow..tebow is thanking god for other teams blowing it and letting him win with 3 seconds left in games and his kicker kicking 60 yard field goals..j lin is making shit happen because he can actually play
