Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


You can always tell a real man by a guy who has no qualms about punching a woman in the face for looking at him funny. Yeah, you didn't read that the wrong way, this fucking idiot punched a woman in the face for looking at him funny. Are you kidding me bro? You're a 24 year old man, what were there clowns standing behind you or was the circus in town? I don't know, you tell me. I can guarantee you one thing though, if it was a guy looking at you funny you wouldn't have laid a finger on him. Why? Because any dude who hits a woman is a pussy. So go directly to jail, do not pass go, and do not collect $200. Here is your t-shirt, when that guy with the huge dick is looking at you funny in jail, he's gonna hit you too. Except he'll be hitting you with his dick in your ass. 

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