Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

It's a celebrity today...

For those of you who don't know who Rodney King is, he's a celebrity who got his ass beat like 20 years ago by cops. He was also arrested in '92, '93,'95, '01,'05 and '07 as well. Hey Rodney, do you get the point by now? You can't get fucked up on alcohol and all types of drugs and drive around everywhere, you will get caught, moron. You've been arrested eight times in the last twenty years, I don't think that's a mistake. Do something like rehab possibly, or even like go to meetings. You sir, have a problem, and you sir need to try and fix it. If you don't, I won't actually lose any sleep over it, I'll just keep giving you t-shirts. Enjoy your stay in prison. 

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