Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who's Cooler Than The Guy Who Gets Into A Fight At A Bar?

The answer is, everyone. Including the barback carrying the garbage pail full of ice. Fighting at a bar means a number of things and can also be a combination of things. In the end it just cuts your night short and you get thrown out of the bar. It's even worse if you paid a cover charge to get in.

Now to what the fighting means. You're a macho douchebag and you have to prove it to everyone. Which in return means you are a self conscience pussy. What else could it possibly mean? All right, relax, I know what you're saying, "But bro I don't take no shit". Please, your life is shit. You have to fight in a bar to prove you're "manly", making you about as cool as 40 year olds who live in their parents basement and are still obsessed with Star Wars.

There are circumstances where another guy just needs an absolute beating just to bring him back to reality and keep his ass in check. If that happens, calmly approach that guy from the rear and in a calm clear voice say "parking lot 10 minutes". That's it, and you just scared the shit out of that kid. He is going to want nothing to do with you. If it's a situation where he disrespected a friend or girlfriend, that guy will be apologizing. And if he doesn't, you throw down. Either way, you're not getting kicked out and you're getting your point across.

You are also a selfish fuck. Your friends aren't going let you stay outside until they leave. They are immediately going to leave with you. If you were my friend, I would make you pay for my cover. If you don't I'm going back into the place and enjoying myself.

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