Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Smart move...


Ah yes, criminals who think they can outsmart the police are my favorite types of criminals. Just so you know, this guy locked himself in a room hiding from the police, then when he realized they were eventually going to break in he jumped out the window. This window was four stories high. Does that really sound like a good idea to you? Long story short, he landed between a retaining wall and a fence, punctured his lung, and broke his ribs. This isn't the movies guy, jumping four stories and landing safely only works if your name is Will Smith or Jet Li. Maybe next time you shouldn't rob a bunch of shit and be dumb enough to get caught. Another t-shirt given out to another genius. Enjoy your time in the hospital because once that little stint ends you're going straight to prison. I hope you didn't injure your ass, because the work it's going to be getting in your jail cell is probably going to hurt worse than your fall. Have a lovely day!

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