Thursday, January 3, 2013

How Did This Broad Get in the Chicken and Rice Truck?

Okay, so this broad in the back right here is actually inside the chicken and rice truck. Those two drunk messes standing in front of me are her two dumb friends. How the fuck did this broad manage to get in the chicken and rice truck you ask? I have no fucking idea. I got there and she was in there giving orders and instructions like she was fucking Master Chef. Then in typical cunty broad fashion she asks for a dollar off because she claimed she made the food. Now I'm looking completely passed the obvious fact that she didn't actually do anything and looking directly at the fact of her asking for a dollar off. You have balls going in the truck in the first place, now you're gonna try and pull a fast one on the guy. If I was Mr. Halal Guy over here I would've cracked her in the face with my spatula. Some people would think this is hilarious, but I'm not boarding that train. This is the definition of a female needing all the attention. Going in the beloved chicken and rice truck and making a scene is absurd. If you're a woman who needs all eyes on you even when you're ordering street meat, please go see a therapist and work out your issues. The next step after this is sucking dick for a cheeseburger off the McDonald's dollar menu. Thank you, have a nice day. 

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