Thursday, January 24, 2013

You'll Never Believe the Story Behind This Picture

The story behind this picture might be the greatest story I've ever heard in my life. Clearly, our setting is McDonalds. Like there's only one other realistic place this could possibly be if you know what I mean (KFC). So this kid is drinking his chocolate milk and he spills it all over the floor. Distraught that he had just lost his delicious chocolate milk, he starts hysterical crying and crawls over to his dad. Dad looks at the chocolate milk and yells out, "Yo, that's some instagram shit!" Then pulls out his phone to take a picture of the spilt chocolate milk so he could put it on instagram while his son lays there like a helpless lion cub when mom's getting raped by the actual king of the jungle. The end. 

Sidenote: I'm apologizing to black people because they've been catching it hard from me lately on here. It's a joke, you know I make fun of everybody on this thing (yes Asians, you guys too) so don't take it personal. 

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