Friday, January 25, 2013

Minor League Hockey Team Hosts College Beer Olympics at Intermission...With Predictable Results


The Rapids City minor league hockey team thought they were doing a service to the community by hosting the "College Olympics" during an intermission of one of their games. This involved college kids chugging beer, basically playing dizzy bat with hockey sticks and riding Coors Light coolers across the ice in a drunken haste. What could possibly go wrong? I don't know, how about every participant began projectile vomiting all over the ice. Yes, that happened. Fans and season ticket holders were outraged and all the team's GM could say was, "This went completely wrong". No shit! I didn't think college kids throwing up their lungs during an intermission would be part of the program, asshat. Although I would have paid big money to have witnessed this because I find people who can't hold their alcohol to be quite hilarious. 

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