Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is Going On With Baseball?

Alright, so you all have to be wondering exactly what I'm wondering. How did Shane Victorino get $39 million over three years? How did Marco Scutaro get 3 years and $20 million at 37 years old? How is Zack Greinke going to get 7 years and $160 million? What the fuck is going on with baseball?

Everybody is overspending like crazy for guys who aren't that good. Shane Victorino hit .255 last year with a .321 on base percentage and 11 home runs. HE PLAYS CENTERFIELD, DOESN'T GET ON BASE AND DOESN'T HIT HOME RUNS! How are you paying him more than $11 million a year?
Am I wrong about this? What are you paying for? He's never hit .300 and his highest on base percentage was .355. To say he's overrated would be an understatement. He was a product of a great lineup in Philly and he still wasn't that good.

Marco Scutaro just had his best year at 36 years old and it was good, but not $7 million a year good especially because you're paying him until he's 40. He his .306, his on base was still only .348 and he doesn't steal bases. A 40 year old short stop making $7 million a year sounds absurd to me especially because that's the only time in his career that he's hit over .300 and stats say he'll be around .270 or worse in the coming seasons.

Zack Greinke was 15-5 last year with a 3.48 ERA between the Brewers and Angels. I just can't see how you want to pay a guy about $22.5 million a year until he's 35. We've seen with so many pitchers around the age of 28 who lose their velocity and suddenly they're not the same (aka Tim Lincecum and Mark Mulder). I can't trust a hard thrower like Greinke to keep his velocity with the amount of innings he's thrown through nine seasons.

With all these deals the David Wright deal doesn't seem that bad to me suddenly and Evan Longoria who's better than probably every guy I just mentioned is making way less than all of them yearly. Let's get serious for a minute, I don't like this trend. Baseball is already getting beat by College Football in the ratings and now they're just turning it into whoever has the most money is probably gonna win. You might think it's good for baseball, but it's not. I really don't like where the league is going.

1 comment:

  1. The weirdest part about it is that the Yankees are not apart of any of these crazy deals, yet it's still early
