Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I've Had Enough Of PC America

That's an actual picture

This may be the most bizarre thing I've ever read. Making this seem like a feel good story has got to be the biggest joke I've ever seen. This is complete and total bullshit that this "chick" gets to play against girls. Are you fucking kidding me? She's 6'6 and BROLIC. She's a legitimate Juwanna Mann.

Chicks legitimately suck at basketball. I'm not kidding. I played D1 baseball, so naturally the school I was at was D1 in basketball. My freshmen year, me and my buddy challenged two chicks who got minutes on the team to a game of 2 on 2. Mind you, neither of us had played organized hoop beyond the JV level. We torched them. Legitimately blew them out, it wasn't even close. Plus have you ever actually watched the top level college women's team play? They're horrible. Guaranteed any good HS team in the country would slaughter the top women's college bball team.

And you're going to tell me that this gigantor of a NORMAL HUMAN BEING is going to be playing at the D4 level of college hoops and the conference is allowing it? Why? Because it's not politically correct to say, "sorry, you're a man. I don't care that you think you're a woman. You're 6'6 240 and look like you've been in numerous fights that have resulted in the death of another human, you just can't expect us to allow you to play in this conference, it isn't fair to the others." But noooo!!! PC motherfucking America at it again, can't hurt people's feelings anymore.

This is an outrage. I just can't believe that USA Today posted this as a "feel good" story, complete and total joke.

I have nothing against gay or transgendered people, but this is just a friking joke. This shouldn't be allowed to happen.

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