Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Frauds Known as Notre Dame Were Exposed Last Night

Ladies and gentlemen, the frauds who I have been saying are not a top five football team all season got exposed last night in front of the entire college football world. You can't live off of wins by the skin of your teeth against teams like Purdue and Pitt and expect to go into a game against the defending national champs and compete. You just can't. 

You know what everyone saw last night. They saw a guy who was a Heisman Trophy finalist (Manti Te'o) get completely exposed for what he is, which is an average linebacker. You saw an above average defense get exposed against a much bigger and much faster team, and you saw Nick Saban run circles around Brian Kelly in the coaching department. 

Saban played possum all month saying how great of a team Notre Dame is and all this nonsense. Meanwhile in the film room he was telling his guys how much better they were than them and that on game night they were going to show everyone just how dominant they are. And they did. To a tune of 42-14 in a game that was 28-0 at halftime and never had the makings of looking like it could be a game. Notre Dame might be a top ten team. But they are NOT a top five team in the country and they weren't all year. 

After watching Notre Dame play Bama last night you're telling me that Florida, Georgia, Texas A&M and even Oregon wouldn't take the Irish out to the woodshed? I'm telling you they would. Those teams would do exactly what Alabama did to them last night. Why? Because the caliber of teams they played all year just weren't that good. While Alabama was playing teams with six pros on their defense (Georgia) Notre Dame was struggling to beat Pitt in overtime. And that's the difference. Finally, the frauds were exposed last night and I loved every second of it. 

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