Friday, January 11, 2013

Does Not Getting A Flu Shot Make me an Idiot or a Boss?

So the Flu is all the rage right now. People are freaking out this year (just like every year) about how this strain of Flu is an absolute beast. Let me say this loud and clear, I will kick the Flu right in its fucking teeth if it tries to come at me! Try to get airborne on me son, my immune system will slap the shit out of you and I'll scrape your flu ass on the pavement as I walk to work.

Seriously though, I don't get sick. Sure, I'll get a sore throat around this time of the year, feel a little bit cruddy, but I haven't actually been sick since my freshman year of college. So why in gods name would I get a flu shot? First off, flu shot gives you a 365 day cold, I ain't with that. Secondly, (watch a zombie movie) if you get a flu shot and the flu beats your flu shot then you're as good as dead, and you'll most likely become a zombie. Thirdly, I think it's a real pussy move to get a flu shot, it shows weakness. And finally, the only people I know who get the flu are people who are constantly scared of getting sick and are germophobes. You know, those people who wash their hands after they take a piss. Ask me how many times I've washed my hands after a piss when I'm the only one in the bathroom? Maybe twice, because I pissed on my hands. I am not a germ freak, therefore I don't get sick. I build my immune system up and I work it out constantly. Oh, that M&M fell on the floor and cracked open, here you go immune system, fuck these germs up. Disgusting bum holding on to a subway pole, here's a heavy lift for you immune system. My immune system trains all year for the big event, flu season, and I'll be damned if I'm going to give it a flu shot, that's cheating. That's like taking steroids. And we've all seen that if you take steroids you won't make the Hall of Fame, I'm not with that.

Unfortunately, my immune system is so strong that there is no way for it to separate itself from the "flu shot"era. It will always be linked to this and may not ever make the Hall of Fame because of it. It's a damn shame. I feel for you Piazza.

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