Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When Your Girlfriend Gives You Outrageous Scenarios That Definitely Didn't Happen

Every girl on the face of the planet does this all the time. And the best part is that at this moment no chick has any clue what I'm talking about. But they will know exactly what I'm talking about as they start reading this.

Guys, you know when you get pissed off because you just lost something? How mad do you get? Livid right? Of course. What is the only thing that makes this situation worse? When your girlfriend thinks she's calming you down or trying to make you feel better by throwing out the most outrageous scenarios anyone has ever heard of.

Say you lose your wallet, she'll say something like, "Maybe when you took it out of your pocket you didn't put it all the way back in your pocket and then someone walking by brushed against you and knocked it out and it fell on the floor." And then you just stare at her and say, "No, that definitely didn't fucking happen." Yeah, and maybe a unicorn flew by and head butted me and then stole my wallet too. Or maybe a band of fucking leprechauns jumped me on the street and took it also.

She thinks she's helping, but she's really not. And then the more scenarios she throws out the worse it gets and you just end up yelling at her, telling her you can't deal with her right now and then get into a fight. Girls, we appreciate the fact that you're trying to help, but at least try to say things that are within the realm of possibility. Not these outrageous things that definitely didn't happen that just piss us off even more. Just do the minimum and avoid the fight that's sure to happen if stupid shit keeps coming out of your mouth.

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