Saturday, October 27, 2012

Drunk Story Saturday's: That Was Some Halloween

Drunk Story from Daddy: 
"This one is for those of you who don't listen to the Kegs and Eggs podcast. Because I told the story Tuesday morning, but if you didn't hear it you missed an absolutely epic tale of Halloween Savagery. It was my senior year and I was dressed up in pretty much the exact costume you see up top plus sun glasses and minus the chain. Now, on Thursday night me and my housemates made a jug of jungle juice just for us. We figured we would use it to pre game and then go out. We made 11 gallons for four of us to last the weekend. Basically we were savage animals. I can't tell you the recipe because I would have to kill you but it wasn't your run of the mill grain alcohol and a shitload of sugary goodness. Yeah, we made this shit to get incredibly fucked up. Now it was the Saturday night of Halloween weekend and this thing was barely halfway empty. So we had some people over to pre game, hopefully drink it with us and then we would go out. It was the big house party night. We were planning on going from house party to house party and seeing which one was the best. About midway through the first house party was when I realized just how fucked up I was. It had punched me in the face like a fist from Mike Tyson in his prime. On the way to the next party I knew it was inevitable, I was going to blow chunks everywhere. Now I want you to picture this. You're driving and all of a sudden out of the back left window of the car in front of you pops a dude wearing an afro, sun glasses, and a porn star mustache, and he starts throwing up all over the road. You have that image? Good, well the guy throwing up all over the road in the afro, sun glasses and mustache was none other than myself. I got the entire door plus the back tire. It was lethal. Did we still go to the next house party? You bet your ass we did. Did I go inside? Nope. I crawled up in the fetal position and slept in the car. Was it one of my finer moments? No, but it's stories like that that build character and I just figured I had to share this with you in the Halloween weekend." 

Yup, that's straight from the Talk of the Town creator's mouth right there. Epic Halloween weekend stories are by far my favorite.

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