Friday, October 26, 2012

Plan B Commercials Are Not What They Seem

Do you ever notice when you need something you start to notice commercials for it a lot more? Like if you're a dude thinking about buying a truck you might start noticing the funny feeling you get in your pants when the new Toyota commercials come on.  But if you're a chick that doesn't keep track of when mother nature comes (like me) you start to panic once a month and notice birth control advertisements.  

So like every month I've been playing the guessing game while eating chocolate on my couch and waiting for the general mood of bitchness to overcome the rationale side of my brain.  And in this drunken haze of PMSing I'm watching a commercial for Plan B that shows a mom running after her little monster smiling and saying "I want more kids but maybe not right now!" (Fake laugh, husband swoops in for a kiss).  I have just one thought while watching this: Bitch, that ain't real life.

I don't know if the marketing people for Plan B tried to PG up their product by saying only married women generally use this pill when they want to wait to have more kids.  Like they're saying "don't worry God, I got you on the next one."  No way.  If the Plan B people really want to show a real use of their product, show some chick checking a dudes wallet in the morning to find out his name and then running to Target with her best girlfriends saying "oh my god, I NEVER do this!"

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