Friday, May 6, 2011

Kids These Days...

I'm sitting here wondering right now what the fuck goes on at these high school parties today? Apparently a 15 year old girl and a 17 year old boy had sex in front of an entire party. My first question would be, where were these girls when I was in high school? My second question would be, what kind of morals do your parents teach you? Like both of you decided it would be an awesome idea to just have sex in front of an entire party? At 15 and 17 years old? I mean you really have to have some priorities screwed up to do something like this. Kids these days, watching MTV all the time and cursing at the elderly; this is what the future of America holds? I am scared shitless for the future of this country with teenagers like these two. It's time they learn the definition of self-respect before moving on anywhere else in life.

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