Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: What You See When You Look At A Bottle Of Alcohol…

There are many things that people see when they look at a specific bottle of alcohol. Some see just a casual night of a drink or two, some see a blackout ragefest of shots and others see a night of getting all sorts of jacked up. I am going to explain what people see when looking at a specific bottle of alcohol. Warning: None of the following liquors mentioned will be for a casual night of a drink or two.

Wild Turkey: Getting fucked up and absolutely belligerent for the night. People don’t drink this shit just to have a couple of drinks and get a buzz going, they drink this shit to not remember anything that went on the night before. This usually leads to trespassing and destroying property of some sort.

Jagermeister: Another drink on the road to black out city. Most people think of ripping shots, chugging jager bombs and raging in a club when drinking this shit. You can’t go wrong with Jager and you’ll never wake up disappointed.

Jack Daniels: People see anger when looking at Jack. When you want to get jacked up and pissed off, you drink Jack. If your sole purpose of the night is to go out and get into a fight, you are definitely ripping shots of Jack before going out.

Captain Morgan: You’re getting shitfaced whether you mix it with coke, or mix it with ginger ale. It doesn’t matter because the captain will always get you. Most people see an awesome night out at a bar involving dancing and sloppily making out with strangers.

Jose Cuervo: Known as the finisher. People see only one thing when looking at this bottle, and that is the shot that puts you over the edge towards the end of the night. This is also rumored to make women take their clothes off, but that is still up for debate.

Southern Comfort: Sometimes seen as a bit feminine because of the famous Soco and Lime shot. But this is the drink that can take that buzz and push you to the next level. A couple of shots of this after you have already been drinking will automatically send you from buzzed to fucked up.

For all you college seniors, keep this in mind for your senior week. Whatever kind of night you’re looking to have, remember these tidbits when buying your liquor.


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