Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: Women Can’t Drive

Girls, don’t get too pissed off at me but this is a subject that has driven me crazy for such a long time. I have no idea why the two hardest things for a woman to do are admit that she’s wrong and drive a car. It baffles my mind how one entire gender can be in love with their break lights so much. Anyway, here are some reasons why women can’t drive.

Break Lights: Why do all women use break lights when they are totally unnecessary? Going down a hill with no one in front of them is probably a woman’s favorite time to use her break lights. Instead of taking your foot off the gas and just rolling, you decide to break and waste gas. Not only that but you piss off every person behind you who is trying to just cruise.

Never Knowing Where You’re Going: When a lady has no idea where she’s going is probably the worst time to be behind them in a car. They always come to a dead stop in the middle of the street and panic. They’ll stop traffic and look around for five minutes forcing everyone behind them to flip out and go around them. Usually horn honking and flipping the bird take place as you pass.

Baby On Board Signs: You drive so bad that you actually make people want to ram into your car on purpose. Then we see that goddamn Baby On Board sign, we realize that we can’t hit you because your kid shouldn’t be punished for how shitty you drive. Can you please keep up with the flow of traffic and maybe hit 40mph? It’s really not that hard.

I’m sure there are plenty of other reasons that women can’t drive but no one likes when these things drag on too long. That is in a nutshell why women should not be allowed to drive cars. Also, if you see a woman driving a mini van be sure to stay far away. Those are the absolute worst type of women drivers.


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