Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Well have you all seen this? This is an article that states that Tim Tebow was voted the most desirable celebrity neighbor for 2012. Are you fucking kidding me? Based on what? That he sucks at football and is into religion? Fuck that. I don't want this little bitch as my neighbor. What's he gonna do if I'm not home and my house is getting robbed? Sit there and pray that the guy doesn't take anything? I'm not about that bro. I want a fucking pipe swinger as my next door neighbor. A guy who's gonna murder someone who tries to rob my house when I'm not around. Not a guy who's gonna kiss my baby and come ask me for sugar in a really nice way when he runs out. People are still delusional about this guy and I can't wait until he loses again this weekend. #ItsNeverTebowTime 

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