Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Is The Vest Really Necessary?

Fella's, is the vest seriously a good look? I mean really, let's get real for a second here. I'm no fashion guru by any means but I just can't find a reason to wear a vest. What is the reasoning behind the vest also? This I have no idea. It's an extremely confusing article of clothing that should probably just be burned. 

First of all, the vest serves no purpose. What does it do? It's like a jacket with no sleeves and way too many buttons. Is it even comfortable? No, it just sits there. It's the part of the tuxedo that no one wants to get fitted for. Ask anyone. And unless you're wearing a tux, there is no reason that a vest should be anywhere within a seventy mile radius of you. 

Next, it's not even a good look. Like why do you only have your arms showing? What's wrong with your torso bro? Is it supposed to be like one of those things that tightens up your gut or something? You can't honestly sit there and tell me that a vest is not a completely useless article of clothing. It doesn't serve a purpose. It's the equivalent to Newman's character in Seinfeld. He serves no purpose, he's just there. 

There should be a shoot on site order for any guy who thinks that a vest actually looks good. Vests do no look good. Most of you morons who wear vests aren't models. You're all 25 year old out of shape italian guys with balding hair. Which in turn makes the vest look even dumber on you. Go with the blazer, it's a much better look and definitely gets you more women. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with u if your put on a vest with casual wear.

    When it comes to a three piece suit though, a vest always adds a nice touch.
