Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is This The Most Unnattractive Thing A Woman Can Do?

I started thinking about this over the weekend while watching football and being bombarded by Mcdonalds new ad campaign for the Big Mac. I searched long and hard for the ad on youtube, but I couldn't find it. Basically the ad is all about the Big Mac being a celebrity and just being a flat out boss on so many levels. But this has nothing to do with my post, what my post is about has to do with the women in the commercial eating the Big Mac. Gag worthy, literally just made me want to puke, it's probably the most disgusting thing any woman can do; eat fast food and more specifically a Big Mac, or any variation of the sandwich.

Don't know why I'm so chauvinistic or judgmental but I think fast food burgers should be restricted to guys. The only exception to the rule would be a girl pushing 2 hundo...she can eat whatever she wants, nothing can make her look good, so indulge in that big mac fatty! However, if you're somewhat tolerable to look at please, please do not put any fast food in your mouth besides fries; it's fucking gross to look at and it docks you at least 2 points on the traditional 1-10 scale. I know we want you to eat and not order salads when we go out to dinner, but I'd rather you be anorexic than have an affinity for big macs.

P.S. Five Guys doesn't count as fast food, gobble that shit up!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWdzu0nSlFg

    you may have seen this but fast forward to 1:14, attractive fast food eating
