Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award
Suing google over the search results about your alleged Nazi sex orgy? Yeah, that idea probably went awry somewhere between three and five minutes after the media found out about it. Why? Because now that he's suing google over his Nazi sex orgy, everyone knows about it. What this means is that what now comes up in the google search terms is, "Max Mosely sues Google over Nazi sex orgy." Talk about biting yourself in the ass? This guy was just thinking that he didn't want his allegations all over the internet and then his plan totally backfires and his allegations are now all over the internet. Listen bro, if you're being accused of having a Nazi sex orgy, it's probably true. People just don't make up a Nazi sex orgy off the top of their head. There has to be like no doubt you were participating in these little events. So here's your t-shirt big guy, I don't know what they do to people who take place in Nazi sex orgies, but if it has anything to do with jail, you'll be having all the orgies you want. 

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