Friday, May 4, 2012

The Guy Who Resents Women

As much as I rip on women on this thing, I have to say they might be the most powerful creatures on the face of the earth. Not only because they have vaginas, but also because they have this ability to make men do the complete 180. To go from loving women, to absolutely hating everything about them. And it only takes one woman to make this happen. 

Every girl out there wants to know what makes an asshole the way he is. It's a woman who makes an asshole the way he is. It's that one girl who can make a guy go from the nicest guy in the world to the biggest asshole on the planet. And this is usually what happens after bad break ups. A guy will say fuck everything, and just go out looking to plow anything in his path. However, I'm not talking about this guy. 

Who I'm talking about is the guy who's ex girlfriend has made him resent all women in every way possible. The guy who doesn't even want to be the asshole who fucks girls and leaves them without ever talking to them again. This is the guy who now goes out, gets hammered, and stands in the corner telling every girl who walks passed him exactly how he feels about her. He'll tell the ones who look like whores that they're whores, he'll tell the ones who try hitting on him to not bother because they're all bullshitters, and he'll ask that girl sloppily making out with that guy right in front of him how someone is ever supposed to marry a slob like her. He's so pissed off at women that fucking them just to fuck them isn't even an option on his list anymore. The only thing on his mind is hatred and verbal abuse towards anything with a vagina. 

You still don't think women are the most powerful creatures on the planet? You're kidding yourself. Girls can make nice guys crumble and fall passed the stage of being an asshole and into the stage of hating everything to do with women. Next thing you know, he's the lonely old guy yelling at teenage kids to keep it down outside his house while he reminisces on that girl who fucked him over while he drinks a bottle of scotch. It's happened before and it will happen again. There's always that guy who resents women and everything about them. 

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