Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Men Really Want...

The question that women always ask is What Do Men Really want? What can a woman do to make the guy want them. That's what my job is. It's to tell you what men really want in a woman. So here are 5 things men really want...

5. Let Us Be Us: Every girl wants to operate under this pre conceived notion that they're gonna magically change every guy they date. Try to change us and we're just gonna basically tell you to fuck off. The reason you like us is because we are the way we are. Now you want to change that? Bad idea. Just let us be us. 

4. Space: We don't want you on top of us all the time. Guys want their space. Guys want to have guys night out, and guys don't want to feel obligated to be with you all the time. When we're with you, we're with you but don't push it. When you get clingy is when we get tired of you. Back the fuck up and let us breathe a little bit.

3. Don't Complain About Stupid Shit: When you start complaining about things that have no purpose, it just pisses us off. We don't want to hear about nonsense that you make a big deal out of when in reality it's not that big of a deal. Think about what you're gonna complain about before you start complaining and sound incredibly ridiculous. No guy likes a girl who acts immature and sounds stupid. 

2. You Have To Be Easy: Not easy in the sense of giving it up right away, but easy in the sense of you don't care what we do when we're together. If it's a problem to just hang out and relax, you're not gonna last very long. Mainly because we don't have endless funds to spend on you four nights a week. It's okay to just hang out, you don't need to be out all the fucking time do you?

1. Bedroom Experience: You have to know what you're doing in the bedroom. If you're a dead fish and have no idea what you're doing, we might as well just buy a plastic fuck doll. We can't always be doing the work. Occasionally you can get on top, and we don't always have to go down on you first before you decide to play the old skin flute. Know what you're doing and share the workload, and every guy will be happy. 

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