Friday, May 18, 2012

He Just Looks Like He Can Eat A Box...

Have you ever looked at a bald guy and just thought to yourself, "You know, that guy just looks like he can eat a mean vagina." It's not every bald guy, but it's some bald guys. Like Bruce Willis probably brings a squirt bottle down there with him and doesn't come up for air. He just shoots some water on his face every half hour and gets right back at it. George Costanza though, probably not so much. But you know a great box eating bald guy when you see one. 

Like it's just something about their forehead that makes it look like there's a huge sign painted on there that says, "Hey, I am the clit commander." Just taking pride every time they go down there not even caring what it looks like or smells like. They just wanna go down there because they just love doing it. They don't even care if they end up banging the girl. As long as they get down there and get their fix in of licking some vagina for the night, they don't give two shits what happens next. 

As the bald guy speaks to a woman he just has that look in his eyes where you know the only image he has in his head is his shiny bald head just going down south on the girl he's talking to. He just carries himself with that demeanor that just has him basically telling women with his swag that he's gonna eat their box, they're gonna love it, and there's nothing they can do about it. Once bald box eating man acquires a target, he gets is. 

And everyone around also knows it's true. And they're quite impressed because eating vagina isn't like that appetizing where dudes actually enjoy doing it. It's like the people who eat tripe (also known as cow intestines) they either love it or they hate it, there's no in between. Bald guys who love eating pussy are the same as people who enjoy eating tripe. They love it, they're good at it, and they let everyone know the deal. The bald monster, his tongue is coming soon to a vagina near you. 

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