Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why Do All Guys Love Call Me Maybe?

You know something? When I first heard Call Me Maybe I really was wondering if I should talk to someone about liking this song. I thought I was the only guy on the face of the earth who liked it. But then suddenly I kept hearing from guys everywhere how much they love it and now the only question is, why do guys love call me maybe?

Maybe it's the way she sings it. She sounds so cute and sincere when she's singing it that it almost feels like she's actually talking to you. And she's not being pushy about calling her. She didn't stop at call me, she added the maybe at the end. This means she's leaving us the option of whether we actually want to call her or not. It's fucking genius. 

And then we have just the song itself. The beat flows and it's so catchy. It's almost insane how quickly this song has caught on. There are college baseball teams making their own dances out of this song, it's on guys workout playlists, and everyone goes ape shit when they hear it on in their cars. I can't even explain it. 

So why do all guys love Call Me Maybe? Because it's just a feel good song. It makes you think about what would actually happen if a chick actually told you to call her maybe. And she's already missing us so bad and she just met us. She's cute and sexy and we think she's talking to us. And that is why all guys love Call Me Maybe. 

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