Monday, May 21, 2012

50 Shades of Grey-tness

I know I've been out of commission for a few days on this blog.  I had planned on writing a lot more since I finally graduated last week and have time on my hands for once.  But that was before I discovered 50 Shades of Grey. Now I know everyone out there with a penis is rolling their eyes at me, because there was just a post on here about how dumb this book is (Daddy's take of 50 Shades) Let me assure you that when I first heard about this book I thought "great, another stupid book about another stupid chick being stupid and falling in love with some stupid guy."  I have read my fair share of romance novels and thought if I had to read another sentence about some dude sweeping a girl off her feet in a passionate embrace I would puke.  But wanting to be a therapist of the sex type I decided to see what all the hype is about and read the damn book.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I found out this is the greatest piece of literature I have ever read.

Why you ask? Well for one thing I had to change my underwear about 3 fucking times within the first few chapters.  Then when my man got home I jumped him like the world was ending in an hour.  This isn't about women wanting to be whores, it's about finally having some chick say "hey  we want sex and we want it HARD."  Guys are always complaining about how chicks want the romance and flowers and all that shit.  Well in this book the guy's is pretty much the most unromantic person on the planet but he's an absolute sex god. So as this book gains ridiculous popularity there is finally concrete evidence that all women want in the relationship boils down to GOOD SEX.  Sure, as women we can get sex whenever we want, but truly orgasmic/rough/creative/mind-blowing sex is hard to come by.  We need to make up for it with the romance crap.  

Just like women can either be good girls or sexy girls, guys can either be rich and romantic or sexy.  If you give us mind blowing sex, we will let you get away with your other shit most likely.  So men, when asking yourselves why all women on the face of the earth are diddling themselves to this book instead of getting it on for real, it's because this imaginary character get's us to climax harder than a 2 hour session with your  KY. 

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