Monday, December 31, 2012

The Final Post of 2012...

Well this is it for 2012, I have almost officially been doing shitty blogs for two years now. Let me just say thank you to everyone who actually reads this shit. I know I piss off a lot of people (especially women) like all the time but I appreciate you coming back and reading what I have to say.

The year in review can basically be summed up by this picture:
The only thing really missing is the apocalypse in the background. So there it is, we are done for 2012, the Late Night Special will be up at midnight and will be our first post of 2013. I encourage you all to spread the word and tell all your friends about this and make me rich. And then I will throw raging parties that you're all invited to. Big shout outs to Jimbo Slice who won the NFL Picks season, B Slata for being awesome and Slothy for being one of the biggest assholes on the planet. Another big shout out to the man, the myth, the legend Johnny Ebs and of course Frank the Tank (he knows who he is). Blacking out is encouraged tonight and as always BE AWESOME. Happy fucking New Year everyone. 

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