Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Sarah Says" How to Survive Being Single at Weddings

Hello, boys, I’m back! And my feet hurt. I wore really high heels to a wedding on Sunday and man, it was brutal. I’m still recovering. Hey, doesn’t it seem like all your friends are getting engaged and married these days? I know that feel, bro. I attended this lovely wedding without a plus one because, well, I just didn’t have one. I was seated at a table of engaged and married couples and, you know, just single old me. You’d think it would be miserable, for a man or woman, to be in my position, right? Well it wasn’t. Here’s how to survive being single in a world of couple-filled weddings.

First, don’t drink too much. (What? Don’t drink too much? Don’t you mean the opposite?) No, I don’t. Keep a clear head, boys. Keep a clear head because let’s be honest, if you’re by yourself, slurring your words and falling over drunk, you’re going to have a bad time. There’s no ifs ands or buts about it. I mean, definitely get a healthy buzz going on, but don’t be white girl wasted. Really, just don’t. It’ll allow you to keep conversation going with all your table-mates (yes, I just made up that word, deal with it) without sounding like an idiot. Which leads me to my next point.

Talk to people! It’s so easy to mope around at a wedding, drinking cocktail after cocktail, not talking to anyone because you don’t know anyone at your table. Listen, strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. Or serial killers, but I tend to hope for the best. Learn a little bit about the rest of the wedding guests at Table 8. They could be really interesting. If they’re not, talk to someone else. I promise you someone, somewhere at the wedding, will have something interesting to talk about with you.

Keep a “Devil May Care” attitude. I live my life in a perpetual state of insecurity and awkwardness. At the wedding on Sunday, I decided to step outside my comfort zone. I got my soberish ass onto the dance floor and danced my heart out. I danced alone. I danced with the bridesmaids, and the groom and some random guy from another table. I danced with the four other single girls at the wedding to Beyonce’s Single Ladies. Actually, that was super awkward. But it still happened.

Weddings can be a reminder that there’s a huge chance you’ll die alone. But they can also be a reminder that hey, you might not. Have fun.

Sarah is the creator of Not the It Girls. You can contact her at

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