Monday, May 14, 2012

Geographically Undesirable

You're on a trip with your friends or you're coming home from a trip and you're out to eat and suddenly a hot waitress comes to take care of your table. She thinks you're cute and you can tell by the way she flirts with you. This is a different flirting than just flirting for tips, she would actually have no qualms about taking you in the bathroom and sucking the skin right off your dick. But she's also crazy and you would probably still have to talk to her but she's just too far to travel for. She is what we would call Geographically Undesirable. 

When a woman is GU she's just in that category of being way too far to travel to get inside her vagina. I'm sure it's the same way for women. You meet a guy on vacation who lives near you but not really near you. He pipes you out for like four days and you think you have something. Then you go home and realize you're actually like two full hours away from each other. Why bother talking to him? It's too far to travel for sex. You can get it much closer and save the travel expenses. 

How far does one have to be to actually be GU? Well, funny you should ask because there is an exact measure of how long the travel time will take to determine whether or not someone if GU. The correct answer is anything over an hour and fifteen minutes. If you can't get their in an hour and fifteen minutes or under, that person is GU. You might think you can make it work, but when you're two hour trip turns into a four hour trip because of traffic, that trip for some sex is incredibly not worth it. 

How hot does someone have to be to not be GU? There is no level of hotness that makes a person not GU. When you're GU, you're GU and that's it. Why? Because one of you is gonna get sick of the traveling when you realize you can get laid around the corner from your house. Just remember, this isn't Hollywood, it's not about how far you're willing to travel for someone; it's about what's easier for you to get laid. 

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