Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Top Ten Favorite Revisited Youtube Videos

With this day and age Youtube being the king of the internet I have made an executive decision to post the top ten favorite revisited youtube videos. These are videos that you can watch over and over again and still find hysterical. You can never get tired of these videos....

Top Ten Favorite Revisited Youtube Videos:

10. Kicked In The Nuts: There's just something so special about the kicked in the nuts video. Whether it's the asshole running around with that giant red afro, or just the fact that he goes around kicking people in the balls and it's okay because they're on TV, or even that he stands over these people pointing and laughing at them after he drills them; it still has to make you laugh every single time you see it.
9. The Juggernaut: Yeah it's the juggernaut bitch! If you don't just go back to this video and watch it like once every six months, there's something wrong with you. The voiceovers and just the overall shit that comes out of these guys mouths is absolutely hysterical.

8. Epic Meal Time: Where do I begin? Just bacon strips, and bacon strips, and more bacon strips. I can't even give you a specific epic meal time to go back to because they're all actually hilarious. And they're fairly new as well just throw some more bacon on it.

7. Dom Mazzetti: I never thought his shit was that funny. I thought he had a couple of really funny things that he said throughout his videos and then the rest of it was slow and terrible. However, his newest one, Study Abroad might have been the best video he's ever made. It was hilarious. And this makes the list because all his videos are basically fan favorites.

6. Pork Chop Sandwiches: It's the GI Joe PSA spoof videos and there isn't a video that's more famous than the infamous Pork Chop Sandwiches. 

5. Rebecca Black's Friday: In what is probably the worst song ever created, Rebecca Black's Friday video is always a hit. Everyone wants to go back when they've had a bad day just to watch how incredibly terrible it is. 

4. Leprechaun In Mobile Alabama: Everyone see the leprechaun say yeahhhhh! Yeahhhhhh! Easily a top four video ever made. I could quote this video all day and look at the amateur sketch and laugh my ass off any time. Oh, and I want the gold!

3. Scarlet Takes A Tumble: One that sticks out in our heads whenever we hear the word Scarlet, just this gigantic 300 pound woman taking a spill and making the earth shake. It doesn't matter how many times you've seen this one, watching her fall will make you laugh every time.

2. My New Haircut: You know what this is? This is my new fucking haircut and that means I'm getting some fucking pussy tonight. Everyone and I mean everyone has seen and loved this video. And you will always go back to it when you're having a rough day just to get a laugh.

1. Drinking Out Of Cups: Yes, this is by far everyone's favorite youtube video to go back to. Everyone can quote the entire thing from start to finish and it never gets old. You'll watch this video ten years from now, and it'll still be funny. 

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