Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Did You Really Think We Just Wanted To Study With You?

Ladies, ladies, ladies can we have a serious talk about something here. I did this all the time when I was in college and I know for a fact that plenty of guys do this all the time still. What am I talking about? I'm talking about guys asking you to study together, write a paper together, or anything else along those lines. 

So let me ask you this, do you really think that we really want to study with you? There is no chance on the planet that we actually want to study with you. We can study just fine on our own and probably get a better grade. But what are we really doing? We're tricking you into thinking that all we want to do is study with you, meanwhile we're just trying to keep us on your mind.

What's really happening is that we're planting the seeds, waiting for the seeds to grow into a plant, and then one night when you're out and you're drunk and we just happen to show up to the same place we can hopefully fuck the plant. The time we spend chiseling away while at you during our study session is to hopefully pay off on a drunken night. 

Does that make sense to any of you ladies? Are you all thinking, "Wow, is the only thing you guys think with is your penis?" I'm sure that's what you're all thinking so the answer to that question is yes, we think with our penis first, head second. And the sooner you ladies realize that, the easier your life will be. 

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