Saturday, March 12, 2011

Do Women Lie to Men in Bed?

The ongoing question amongst my friends has been if girls lie to guys in bed? My friends have been concerned that girls have been telling them things just to make them feel better about themselves. Basically my friends know their own abilities in bed and are beginning to think that they are being lied to.

From the stories that I have heard about, most of these lies consist of girls telling guys they are the best they have ever had in bed, or even the size of their manhood. Ladies, we know how big our dicks are. There is no need to lie to a guy and tell him that his dick is huge when he knows its average at best. That being said, it’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion in the ocean.

As far as telling us that we may be the best you’ve ever had, cut the bullshit. Guys know exactly where they stand in terms of sex and you pumping rainbows up our ass doesn’t have any value whatsoever.

When guys speak in bed, they speak the truth. Normally if you suck, we don’t say anything, if you’re good we’ll tell you. There are no underlined meanings and no pumping rainbows up your ass. Learn from that advice and cut the shit.


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