Friday, March 18, 2011

Asshole of the Day Award

This is intelligence at its finest right here...!5783177/guy-busted-for-bigamy-after-posting-second-wedding-pics-to-facebook

I am amazed sometimes by how retarded people are. This guy is fucking married, and instead of getting a divorce he just decides to go marry another woman halfway across the country. But in his diabolical scheme to get away with this, he came up with a fail proof plan of defriending his first wife on facebook before posting the new wedding pictures. If life was only as easy as defriending people so they couldn't find out what you were doing. Then he gets surprised when she gets suspicious and ends up finding the pictures. I want to know at what point this guy thought this was a good idea. Besides the point, I don't know how this guy could get one woman to marry him, let alone two. He looks like he hasn't had pussy since pussy had him.

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