Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Would You Do To Go Back To Your College Senior Week?

In case you were wondering the answer is no, the girls at my senior week looked nothing like these girls I just thought this picture would get your attention. Now on to the blog itself. When you're living it out you don't realize how awesome of a time it is. Then suddenly you're sitting around a year later with a shitty blog and you're wondering where the time went. What would you do to go back to your senior week in college? 

It's something you can't really understand unless you go away to school. You just have a series of events taking place that just has everyone getting fucked up all the time and partying like there's no tomorrow. The reason you party like there's no tomorrow is because for those of you graduating, there isn't. What is it about this week that makes you want to give your left nut to go back to it? 

There's a good chance you're never gonna see ninety percent of the people you party with this week ever again. There are gonna be those people who you only knew for a short period of time that you wish you knew longer, but the only chance you're gonna get to make up for lost time is this week. Also, any and every girl who is roaming around drunk is looking to have sex with every guy they wanted to fuck for the last four years. And if you think I'm exaggerating then you haven't experienced anything yet. You haven't seen a horny girl until you've seen one during her final week of college. 

So what would you give to go back to that week? Or just stay in that week forever? I don't know what your answer is but I would give up a lot of shit to go back to that week. It's the last time you're not gonna have a care in the world and it's the last time you're gonna be able to do what you want in a controlled environment without having to worry about anyone but you and your friends. It's the week that keeps on giving, just don't die of alcohol poisoning. 

Sidenote: Clearly it's the best week of the year, which is why I'm bringing it up all day today. My alma mater is in the midst of their week of mayhem and it's bringing me back to the greatest week I ever lived. Plus it's the easiest time in your life to get a girl to sit on your face. Who doesn't want that? 

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