Monday, May 7, 2012

Reader Email: How Is This My Fault?

Email from John (New Jersey) 

"This past weekend I went to a wedding with my girlfriend. As we're coming back to the hotel some random chick in the hotel lobby looks at me and says, "Oh, you must be here for me." Obviously, my girlfriend told her how it was in the bitchiest way possible. I didn't say two words I just went up to my room with my girlfriend. But wait, what do you think happened next? My girlfriend is pissed off at me. Why? She's pissed off AT ME because of the chick in the lobby? Can I ask how this was my fault when I didn't do or say anything?" 

I mean honestly Johnny, is it your fault because you're a good looking dude? No, but your girlfriend is gonna be jealous because she's a woman and that's what women do. What else do women do? They get pissed off at us for no reason. She was mad and she needed someone to be mad at and you happened to be the only one there. Therefore, you're getting the brunt of her anger taken out on you. And she shouldn't even be mad to begin with, I would think of it as more of a compliment towards her that her boyfriend has other women flinging themselves at him. Give it a day, it'll blow over. She has no reason to actually be mad at you unless you couldn't get it up afterwards. Other than that you'll be good, she'll forget about it by the time you're done reading this. Just remember, even though she's your girlfriend she's still a woman. All that means is that she has the potential to be crazy at any time. At that was just a time of her being a little crazy.

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