Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Ten Pictures Every Girl Takes During Her Night Out

If you have ever been paying attention to anything that goes on in your social media world, then you would notice that every girl has the same exact sequence of pictures that they take from the start of their night out to the end of their night out. And that is why I am here, to break it down for you. My boy came up with this suggestion, and it's dead on.

10) The Just Got Dressed Mirror Pic:
Before girls go out, they always need to take a picture of themselves in the mirror after they're finished getting ready. The cell phone is always in the picture, the smile is fake, and they're fishing for facebook and instagram likes like it's the only thing they have to look forward to for the night. 

9) Group Shot Number One: 
There's always two group shots on the night. The first one comes at the pre game festivities right before they go out. Normally there are drinks in hand and fake smiles all around. Then when each girl sees the picture the next day they all talk shit about how bad all their friends look. 

8) The Hand on the Hip Leg Up Pose:
Usually the leg is lifted off the ground, but this is the closest google search I could find without getting sued for using a girl on my facebook's picture without her permission. But this is the standard for every girl out there. Normally this picture is also taken at the pre game just to show everyone that she thinks she can be a model if she really wanted to be. Relax ladies, you can't. 

7) My Chick Bad:
This one is usually a close up taken of her "best friend" with the caption "My Chick Bad". This picture is normally the hint of what they did or are doing that night. For example, if they are going to a concert this girl is holding the tickets. If they're going to the beach, she's wearing sun glasses and holding something dumb. This is the picture that really lets everyone know what these girls are doing. 

6) Group Shot Number Two:
The second group shot of the night always consists every girl in the picture holding out her drink like we give a shit what she drank that night. This just reiterates to everyone that they're big girls and they can go out and drink on a Tuesday because they don't have work the next day and they live "The Good Life" aka Daddy pays for everything. 

5) Kissing the Champagne Bottle With One Arm in the Air: 
Yes normally when the arm is in the air she is kissing the bottle or pretending to drink out of the empty bottle because she's a "baller". There is usually no indication that these girls were at a table at the club the entire night. I'm pretty sure 90% of them find a bottle on the floor and just decide to take a picture with it. 

4) The Hands/Feet Circle Picture: 
This picture is also taken with hands in the middle as well. Either way, it's basically the same picture. Every group of girls has to take a picture like this so they can tell each other how good of a friend they are because they can distinguish the whose fucking feet are whose when they tag each girl on facebook. 

3) The Fishbowl Picture:
No matter what, there is always a picture of every girl in the group drinking out of a fucking fishbowl. Literally every woman on the planet who has a facebook has a picture of her and her group of friends each with their own straw drinking out of the same giant bowl of hangover. Yes, I said bowl of hangover because that's what the fuck it is. They then wake up the next day wondering why they can't get out of bed. 

2) The Pretend to be Laughing Picture:
Can I ask why there is always a picture of two girls who are pretending to laugh at each other? One always has her head down and the other one always has her eyes closed as they are pretending to laugh at something so fucking funny that they were forced to take a picture of their laughter. 

1) The Sleeping in the Car Picture:
So I have a couple of issues with the pretending to be asleep on each other in the car picture. For one, if you're all asleep who's taking the picture? And number two, if you're all asleep who the fuck is driving? 

Honorable Mention:

The Picture of Her Morning Coffee:
Whether it be Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts all girls take a picture of their morning coffee. I will never understand why because nobody actually gives a flying fuck about what she's drinking because she "can't get through my day without it #lovemesomestarbucks". 

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