Monday, March 5, 2012

If You're Passing Around A Male Student At Your High School For Sexual Pleasure You Probably Look Like These Guys


Good teaching, giving a student passing grades. Bad teaching, passing around a student. These three just pulling a Jerry Sandusky and passing around a sixteen year old kid. Were you all just standing in the hallway thinking out loud and at the same time you all just said, "You know it would be a great idea if we all just ran the train on that kid,"? Just so you know, your assholes are going to be murdered when you get to prison for this shit. Wait, and it gets better. When the first fucking asshole to the left up top met the kid, he started texting him and sending him dick pics. Is this what happens when you're a creep who can't get any pussy whatsoever? You just turn to teenage boys and pass him off to your friends? I can't wait until a huge 300 pound guy named like Malik or something like that gets you three in jail. Don't pass go, and don't collect the $200, just go directly to jail. And liquid soap isn't gonna help you three wiener looking mother fuckers. 

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