Monday, March 5, 2012

This Is Dumbest Blog Post In The History Of American Sports...


I don't know who Frank Bruni is, and I don't know why he writes for the New York Times, but he is now officially the dumbest mother fucker on the face of the planet. His blog post from this morning is called, "Enough Football Violence" talking about the Saints and the whole bounty hunting thing. All these people who know nothing about football and have never suited up at any level have something to say like they know what they're talking about. When you suit up it's either kill or be killed. Big hits are what the game is about. My balls tingle whenever I see a big hit in a football game. It's the best part of the game and it's the reason that people watch football. And yeah, your game plan is to go out and hurt people. To have a party on your opponents face and then go up in the stands and have a party on your opponents mothers face and tell her to call a cop because it's gonna be a long fucking day for her and her son. It's not about playing patty cake and not hitting a guy because you don't want to hurt him. It's about taking the two screws on the front of your helmet and driving them through the other guys chest. This article by this guy is everything that's wrong with America. Everyone is trying to turn America into a bunch of pussies. I'm tired of hearing it. And I will let a wise man tell you exactly what football is in this video clip right here:

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