Friday, March 30, 2012

Asshole Of The Day


Tell me that face doesn't have "I run a meth lab in a camper" written all over it. Well that is exactly what his face says since he was busted for running a meth lab inside of a camper. But wait, there's more. Hilariously, he just decided to put his camper in front of some random dudes yard without asking. Then that guy calls the cops, they show up to see what the fuck is going on, and then they find this dude taking a nap next to a bunch of meth. Just your typical day in Florida I guess. I mean dude how high were you that you just decided to put your camper on some dudes front lawn? This isn't like you were hiding something small in his bushes, you were hiding a fucking camper in the guys front yard. Obviously he's gonna notice that something's not right here. So with all that being said here is your t-shirt sir. Just go directly to jail, do not pass go and do not collect $200. 

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