Monday, March 5, 2012

Russian Goalie Has Game Of His Career...Just Kidding He Actually Gave Up 13 Goals On 46 Shots


Sucks to be this guy. I mean the guy fell when he stepped on to the ice after the starting goalie got hurt and then he fell again in net. And then fell on his face some more to the tune of giving up 13 goals. The home fans voted him the first star of the game for making 33 saves. Are you people joking? I don't care that he made 33 saves, he gave up 13 goals. He lost the game 13-4. You're a goalie bro, just jump in front of the puck. Awwww your ankles are hurting you, cry me a river and grow a sack. You were the star of the game because you were the best player for the other team. Now go back to your dull life and search for meaning, much like I'm about to do. 

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