Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This Whole Kardashian Nonsense Needs to Stop

You want to know why Vegas didn't put over under numbers on the Kim and Kris wedding? Everyone and I mean everyone would have taken the under! It was like shooting fish in a barrel. This chick is a joke, plain and simple. What does she have to offer to the world? A nice ass? Not for nothing, big fucking deal! She's a slut, shallow prissy little bitch who needs to just go away.
This poor guy thought he had an absolute dime in love with him and she broke up with him because he eventually wanted to move back to Minnesota to be with his family. What a crying shame! Listen hunny, in a few years your looks will dwindle. You have the same shelf life as a stripper, there's like a five year window and after that you are old news. Your show sucks and you literally have zero talents or abilities. You needed this guy, at least in a few years he can still be an average basketball player. You have nothing and are nothing.
72 days, are you kidding me?? Vegas weddings where you get married by Shaft or Elvis last longer than that and we were forced to hear about this shit nonstop like it was the return of the Cuban Missle crisis. Kim how about this, Joe DiMaggio's hit streak lasted 63 days (56 games) a measly 9 days short of your bullshit wedding. I have zero faith that you will give that ridiculous ring back so the only thing I expect from you is to be on TV and pretend like you are upset. My biggest question is who is the next second tier athlete/celebrity you plan on banging? You fulfilled your music industry quota with Ray J, the only successful relationship if you ask me. You banged Reggie Bush, who is just another Heisman bust and Kris Humphries of the New Jersey Nets, so who is next? I can only sit back and wait.
As for the chicks who claim that Kim is their "hero", "idol" or have said she is "perfect". Please shut up and reassess your life. If you look up to this broad, bimbo, and slut you probably are too. Great she is beautiful, I'll give her that, but beauty isn't everything. Well in Kim Kardashian's case its the only thing. She fucks on camera, I don't see you idolizing pornstars. Her marriage was joke as was Anna Nicole Smith's, and who idolized her? Go idolize Mother Teresa and get your life back on track girls. In the process learn how to cook and clean, it'll make you more of a woman than Kim.
P.S> do us all a favor, do not and I repeat DO NOT come out with another song.

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