Friday, March 2, 2012

You Don't Owe That Person Anything...

For some reason whenever people get into relationships they start losing their ability to think like normal people. What am I talking about? Well, I will explain. Let's say your relationship has ended or your significant other has told you that they want a break. Just remember, they told you they wanted a break, you do not owe that person anything. 

Where am I going with this? It's simple, whether this person says they want a break, or they need space, they are saying nicely that they don't want to be with you at the moment. They are deciding this because they probably want to get with a specific person or a few other specific people in general. You are fair game and can hook up with whoever you want. But you seem to not realize this. 

You think you have to wait for the other person to hook up with someone else before you hook up with anyone, or you think you just can't hook up with anyone else. Let me tell you this, they're gonna hook up with other people, and they broke it off with you. You do not have to wait for shit, and you do not owe them anything. They decided they didn't want to be with you anymore, so you can do whatever the fuck you want. 

"But it's easier said than done." Please, it's not hard to go out, get drunk and get some strange ass. You're gonna have to find a way to get over this whole idea that you magically owe your ex something when they broke up with you. Use your head and think logically. Once they decide that they don't want to be with you anymore, you owe them nothing. Look at it as being freed from prison, you just have to start over again with a brand new slate. You did your time, now get back on that horse and sleep with someone random. 

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