Friday, March 2, 2012

If You're Dealing Drugs And Running A Prostitution Ring, You Probably Look Like These People


Now I don't know how much money these prostitutes were going for, but it couldn't have been that much. I wouldn't bang any of these women with Tom Green's dick. Not only were they running a prostitution ring inside, they were dealing drugs in this strip club as well. Classy joint. You know it's classy when a detective says if he was a cockroach he wouldn't want to live there. I don't know what's a worse evaluation. Saying that you look like Roseanne Barr or saying that a cockroach couldn't live in your place of work. I think I would rather take people thinking I look like Roseanne. Also, geniuses, how many undercover cops do you have to sell drugs to before you realize something's up? Is business that booming that you don't realize the influx of new people coming to buy drugs from you? Before I finish, is the man in the top right hand corner one of the ugliest human beings you have ever seen? I'm going to go with a resounding yes. On a lighter note I now have a new skepticism on strip clubs. 

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