Friday, March 2, 2012

Everyone's Hopping On The Engaged Train

First of all, I need to give a shout out to my good friend Joe right now for being the first one of my friends to have an ex girlfriend get engaged. Kudos to you good luck Chuck, kudos to you. Now, let me move on to the topic. Before everyone jumps down my throat and tells me to mind my business, just take this as a joke because that's pretty much what we do on here. Now let's move on. 

Alright, I have about seven friends who are engaged under the age of 25. Maybe this is something that I just personally can't fathom, or maybe I'm on to something. Why is everyone jumping on the engaged train? I mean, I know the end of the world is right around the corner, but that doesn't mean everyone should just start jumping the gun on the marriage thing. You might love this person now, but let's look at some other factors here. 

Have you done everything you wanted to do? Travel the world? See new things? Meet new people? Sky dive? Drive cross country? Go to Vegas? Go to Miami beach? Punch Snooki in the face? Have you done the things you wanted to do? If you're under the age of 25, chances are you have not done the things you wanted to do. Why are we tying the knot when we haven't totally got to experience everything? I don't know, I'm just trying to make valid points. 

Now let's say you're engaged and then fully married by 25 years old. Let's picture this. We're gonna assume you were with this person about 3-4 years prior to actually being married. So if you are married twenty five years, this means you have been with the same person for almost thirty years in total. What if someone told you that you had to eat cheerios for breakfast every day for thirty years? No variety whatsoever, just dry ass good for your heart cheerios. What if you want fruit loops? What if you want Cap N Crunch? What if you want something crazy like frosted mini wheats? YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! 

Maybe you were a savage before you met this person, you did things, saw things and boned or got boned by anyone you wanted and now you have finally met the right person. However, I am going to seriously doubt that any of that happened. Think about the whole engagement and marriage thing before you go through with it. You're locked up to one penis or one vagina for the rest of your life. Why start it so soon? 

Sidenote: If I see engagements being called off because of this post I will probably laugh my ass off. And don't take this so personal it's a joke and a good topic, which is why I wrote it. 

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